Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Tips!

Here are some helpful tips that my nursing career has taught me:

Hydrogen peroxide will remove blood from clothing. Just pour it on your garment before washing and scrub it around. The blood will be dissolved by the bubbles!

If someone is unable to get around well then fold a twin sheet in half and place it under them before they sit or lie down. Then you can pull on the sheet to move them rather than pulling on them. Be sure to smooth out the wrinkles by firmly tugging on the sheet after their weight is on it; it will be much more comfortable!

If you are going to have a procedure done that will require an intravenous line ("I.V."), then shave your arms before going in. Often the most painful part of an I.V. is the tape! Often they will have "paper tape" which is not as sticky and will not pull off fragile skin- just ask for it!

Finally, the cheapest place in Tulsa to buy medicines is Genscripts Pharmacy (http://www.genscripts.com/). They have medications at half the price, ten cent maintenance medications, and free antibiotics! They also have a delivery program. Reasor's (http://www.reasors.com/healthwell/pharmacy_hlth.php) also has free antibiotics to help our community!

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