Thursday, October 6, 2011

Home Health Nurse

I have just started a new job as a part time home health nurse. I am, of course, learning much and reviewing more. I enjoy change and am so thankful that the nursing profession offers a myriad of opportunities.

The home health nurse visits patients in their homes after they are released from the hospital. The goal is to prevent the patient from going back to the hospital because they didn't take care of themselves, or to provide basic nursing services (such as dressing changes) outside of the hospital because it is much cheaper than staying in the hospital. This service is often paid for completely by Medicare.

I am looking forward to this type of nursing because seeing the patient in their home provides a complete picture of the issues and problems that they must overcome to heal and stay healthy. I will have the chance to assess their home environment and get them whatever type of assistance will best benefit them. This includes physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, house cleaning, meal assistance, grooming assistance, or social assistance. I will be able to sit down with the patient and discuss their medications and their illness and teach them how to take good care of themselves. I know that this job will often be frustrating because many people don't want to do what it takes to take good care of their bodies; but perhaps I can bless a few lives by spreading Love around.

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